Friday, July 27, 2007

Vancouver, BC (Day 4): A Step Back in Time

Gastown. 6:32pm. Why are people staring? Does something miraculous occur at 6:32pm? Well, no not really, but what we are all staring at is a fully-functional steam clock. What in the world is a steam clock, you may ask? Well, it's basically a steam-locomotive that tells time and doesn't go anywhere. This fact apparently doesn't deter hordes of people who gather around this modern (as in "modernity", i.e. anything post-Enlightenment) engineering marvel gawking at water and pistons and iron. Was I impressed? Well, let's just say I can picture native Vancouverites gathering on their rooftops, spying down on Gastown, with pipe in one hand and glass of gin in the other, laughing at how silly American tourists can be :). "Look Martha, we got one again...."

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