Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vancouver, BC (Day 3): Crossing the Border

So today, I did something for the third time ever in my life -- crossing the border into Canada by car. After waiting in line for approximately 45 minutes, I drove up to the customs agent who inspected my passport, and tried to make himself feel intimidating by asking me pointed questions, like why in the world I would drive all the way to Vancouver based only on the notion that I heard it was great from a few friends of mine. "An awfully long way to drive based on a hunch" is how he phrased it exactly. Anyway, he finally gave up when he asked what I did for a living and when I responded he realized that yes, I do have all this free time to prance up and down the coast. Oh well....I guess that's just his job :)


CNY Kitchen Mama said...

Wait til you hear the questions they ask when you try to get BACK INTO the US! :)

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable picture! You're photography is amazing!