Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday Morning

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It's Monday morning here in Atlanta, it's hot, and it's the first day of NECC 2007. After a breakfast of ham, eggs, and a croissant (what might have cost over $10 in Los Angeles only cost us $5 here!!!), Raul and I head down to the exhibition floor. It reminds me of my days attending the New York State Fair, where vendors on both sides of you are barraging you with offers to spend money -- only this time instead of $1 for a chance to win a Teddy Bear, it's $8,500 for a site license for the latest educational software.
I've only probably seen about 10% of the exhibits, but most so far I'm generally uninterested in. However, one did strike my eye. Fastt Math (sic) seems to be a cool way to help my kids really become fluent in the foundational basics of math, a lack of which really inhibit their ability to succeed in my algebra class. Other items that stood out were wall mounted LCD projector mounts (although my colleague Raul joked that those are just begging for kids to do chin-ups on).
Right now I'm headed to the session about using math technology effectively in the classroom. I'll let you know how it goes!

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