Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Top Ten List (of sorts)

As some of you know, I'm in the middle of a project that consists of transforming my dirty, dusty, and useless garage into a useful music practice room! I'm about 70% finished now and in honor of a hard day's work, I decided to post a list of THE ONLY TEN THINGS THAT COULD POSSIBLY WORSE THAN INSTALLING CARPET VERTICALLY:

10. Root canals
9. The LAUSD bureaucracy
8. The LAUSD payroll system
7. Getting pulled over by an Oregon State trooper who thought it was hilarious that a California driver performed a "California Stop".
6. Getting sweaty simply by walking outside
5. Being held in limbo by the LA County Superior Court wondering if I'll actually have to serve Jury Duty.
4. Having my lofty goals of eating healthier shattered. (Hey, at least installing carpeting is giving me tons of exercise though!)
3. Band members who get married and move 3 time zones away.
2. A month (yes, an entire month) of professional development before any student shows up in September.
1. And finally, the number one thing worse than installing vertical carpeting.....[drumroll....]: Knowing that someday when I move out, all of it's got to come down :(

1 comment:

CNY Kitchen Mama said...

LOL-Move over Dave Letterman!!! :)

Hang in there!!!