Monday, July 2, 2007

It's HOT out here!!!

Coming back from Atlanta last Thursday, I thought I'd enjoy the much cooler weather here in Los Angeles...WRONG. The past two days have seen temperatures in the mid 90s with no relief in sight. With this kind of a heat wave going on, it 's hard to me motivated to even leave the house when I can work up a sweat simply walking to where my car is parked across the street!
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to return to Mosaic (which I had missed the previous week due to NECC), and I was reminded just how cool it is to be able to be part of a community that is so vibrant, so alive, and so willing to simply love each other! Some of you may know this, but at Mosaic I co-lead what's called the "Connection" team, which basically means that we are the folks that try to make sure that guests feel welcome and are able to "connect" (hence the clever name) with small groups, ministry teams, or other opportunities (boy, that was a run on sentence!!!). Anyway, fairly frequently I feel tired or not in the best of moods when I arrive, but over the course of the night, I am inspired and completely blown away by my team members and how they serve each other and serve God in this context! It's a constant reminder to me as to how by simply giving of ourselves, we can really make a difference in people's lives! I know they make a difference in mine.
Anyway, this Wednesday is Independence Day, and I'm looking forward to a BBQ with some folks up at Elysian Park and then a Braves-Dodgers game at Chavez Ravine! I definitely know that summer is now here!

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